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Nationalist and Federalist Present Their Platforms

After two sessions and a total of three hours of exciting caucuses, the Nationalists and Federalists finalized their platform. Both parties have similar ideas such as legalization of recreational marijuana and drug testing for citizens on welfare; furthermore, the parties did not have any conflicting planks between the two platforms. Below are the complete list of planks for each party from young men at the 2014 Mountaineer Boys State.


Greetings! The Nationalist Party has drafted a platform that can appeal to all Boys States citizens. Our party truly believe that by investing in our Boys State, we can accomplish common-sense objectives as set forth in our platform. Our party will remain unified moving forward, because we can only succeed when we all work together. Again, please review our platform and consider supporting our Nationalist candidates in the General Election.

With Regards,

Bradley Firchow

Nationalist Party Chairman


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