Introducing Braxton County’s Asian Sensation Jim Park

Jim Park is a well-known figure amongst the citizens of Braxton County and the Federalists. Running for State Auditor, he gives laughter and joy to the people that he meets. People in the Braxton Cottage know him as the “Asian Sensation” for two excellent reasons: he’s Korean, and he is a true sensation.

On the first day of Boys State, he became a favorite among the people in Braxton cottage. He came to Boys State with a single purpose: win the position of State Auditor. With a strong voice and boundless charisma, he won everyone over to his side on the first day. He was also one of the first candidates – and probably the only Auditor – to post posters around the campus. By Sunday night, he was known by all as James, Jim, Asian or the “Asian Sensation”, a testament to his name power.

Monday also proved to be a great day for the “Asian Sensation”. He gave an awe-inspiring 30 second speech at the Federalist caucus. After that speech, it was clear that he was the front-runner for Federalist candidate for Auditor. Later in the night, all predictions became reality as Jim Park became the Federalist candidate for Auditor.

Federalist Braxton County citizens are especially proud of their “Asian Sensation”. We have great hope for him, knowing that he will have success in his future endeavors beyond Boys State.

By: Nicholas O’Donnell