Guns or Roses? Women in the Work and Military Forces


We’ve all seen them, the iconic and commanding images of a woman clad in anything but traditional, WWII period garb, rebelling by flexing her arm in resistance to the mechanical, German army and maybe even privately to American men, as well.  This celebrated image is of “Rosie the Riveter”, a stubborn symbol of the woman who can work to support herself, “her man” at war, and the rest of her family, too.

According to, American women “entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers during World War II, as widespread male enlistment left gaping holes in the industrial labor force.”  From the perspective of women in the late thirties and early forties and from that of women today, perhaps the rise of the Germans served them positively.  Had they not had the chance to show the men in control that they really could “do it”, they would likely not have been given

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The American Flag; In a Class all its’ Own


Today, the Boys State Citizens were treated to a seminar on the American Flag. The session taught the proper way to treat and dispose of the American flag. The Citizens were also allowed to see a very moving ceremony in which grave markers from different time periods and different wars.

The lesson mainly taught about the Flag Code, which is a set of rules that dictates how the flag is to be treated. The flag code has many regulations which, when followed, ensures that the flag is displayed properly and treated with the upmost respect. One of the most important rules is that the flag should always be the highest flag on a flag pole, so it is the first flag raised and the last flag lowered. Another is that it should always be on the right of any other flags it is displayed with.

The ceremony that followed the lesson is

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